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Gabriel Pessoto, flying carpet, 2023. Print on fabric and digital image on a 32" monitor. 10 x 300 x 150 cm. Views of the exhibition "Clínica de 2 aos 7", Ateliê397, São Paulo, Brazil. Photos: Ana Pigosso.
Gabriel Pessoto, flying carpet, 2023. Print on fabric and digital image on a 32" monitor. 10 x 300 x 150 cm. Views of the exhibition "Clínica de 2 aos 7", Ateliê397, São Paulo, Brazil. Photos: Ana Pigosso.
Gabriel Pessoto, flying carpet, 2023. Print on fabric and digital image on a 32" monitor. 10 x 300 x 150 cm. Detail.
Gabriel Pessoto, flying carpet, 2023. Print on fabric and digital image on a 32" monitor. 10 x 300 x 150 cm. Views of the exhibition "Clínica de 2 aos 7", Ateliê397, São Paulo, Brazil. Photos: Ana Pigosso.
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